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2017年9月27日 UNESCO 巴黎总部演讲



























The Foundation of Chinese Culture:

Honouring Parents and Respecting Teachers

Prof. Yuli Liu

Academy of Sinology, University of Wales TSD, Lampeter, U.K.

Venerable Master, respected faith leaders, Your Excellencies, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, greetings to everyone. It is a real honour to be here to share with you the core values of the Governing Principle of Ancient China, which is also the foundation of Chinese culture: honouring parents and respecting teachers.

We all hope for world peace. We all hope to promote kindness and love for all, but the world today remains rife with conflict and people have little love for each other. What is the fundamental cause of this? As the respected Professor Ching Kung teaches, ‘All conflicts stem from the family.’ A person who has conflicts with their parents or siblings will inevitably have conflicts with others. By respecting and loving our parents and siblings, extending this to respecting elders, such love and respect can bring harmony to our community, can extend to harmony in our country and ultimately the world. Therefore, achieving world peace and resolving conflict starts from fostering respect and love for our parents and siblings. As the Analects of Confucius stated, ‘Loving and respecting our parents and siblings, are they not fundamental to the actualisation of human goodness?’ 

The foundation of traditional Chinese culture is filial piety. For almost two thousand years of Chinese history since the Han dynasty, the concept of filial piety was the basis of Chinese government. Let us take a look at the Chinese character for filial piety(孝). On the top of it, there is an abbreviated form of the character for old(老). At the bottom, there is a character for child(子). When combined, it means that the older generation and the younger generation are one entity. However, there are infinite generations in the past and infinite generations to come. This character indicates that the different generations are one entity.

That is why the Chinese emphasise the tradition of remembering their ancestors. Some people cannot see the point of doing so. They say, ‘You do not even know your ancestors from several hundred years ago. Why do you still hold remembrance ceremonies for them?’ The Analects of Confucius explains, ‘Let there be careful attention to performing the funeral rites to parents, and let them be commemorated with ancestral remembrance ceremonies. Through this, the people will recover their innate virtue.’ If we can organise our parents’ funerals carefully and remember our ancestors, social customs will naturally become honest. Why is this? If a person always keeps their ancestors in mind and can commemorate them regularly, how can they possibly not look after their parents? It is unlikely that they would remember their ancestors and disrespect their parents at the same time. Therefore, commemorating ancestors fosters a person’s awareness of kindness of others and develops one’s sense of gratitude.

In reference to our elders, Confucianism talks of filial piety. In reference to our peers, the notion is extended to love amongst siblings. At its utmost, ‘all people in the world are our siblings’. Mencius also stated, ‘My love for elders at home should be extended to other elders; my love for the young at home should be applied to the young of others.’ Therefore, once we have the education of filial piety and love between siblings in place, all other inter-personal relations will be in harmony. So, what does filial piety teach us? It teaches us the idea of one entity. This is also in line with what Zhuang zi taught us – ‘Heaven and earth coexist with me; all beings are one with me.’ Only after we fully believe in the notion of one entity, can we truly practise equity and live in harmony with others. When we extend love for parents and siblings, we reach what is said in Buddhism as love that extends across all time and space.

Let’s take a look into this. What extends across time and space? It is in fact our self-nature or the true self. Many people think, ‘This physical body is me.’ But in fact, my body is not the true me, it is only something that I possess, just like the clothes I am wearing. Our body is only a body, it is not our true self. Descartes held that the person who can think is me and stated, ‘I think, therefore I am’. However, the Chinese philosophers asserted that the person who can think is not the true self. In Buddhism, it is called ‘the rational cogitating mind’, but it is not the true self. So, what is the true self? It is the thing that extends across all time and space, and it is the basis of all beings in the universe. The true self is like the sea and the false self is like the bubbles in the water. Every bubble stubbornly thinks that this bubble is me and is even in conflict with other bubbles. But those who have returned to their self-nature discover that the whole ocean is their true self. Hence, when we understand this truth, how would we ever be in conflict with others?

Those who have gained such an understanding are able to reach the state of ‘the benevolent having no enemies’. It does not mean that no one dares to oppose them. It means that a truly benevolent person has experienced the truth of life and the universe, namely, ‘Heaven and earth coexist with me; all beings are one with me’. In their mind they have no conflict with anyone. So naturally, they have no enemy. Since all beings are one whole, how can they resent others or be in conflict with others? It is the same as when we accidentally bite our own tongue, would our tongue seek revenge against our teeth?

Let us have a look at Emperor Shun. Emperor Shun’s stepmother and stepbrother attempted to murder him many times, but he never held any grudges against them. Instead, he constantly reflected on himself and how he could do better in making his parents and stepbrother happy. Eventually, he touched his stepmother and stepbrother as well as the community. He was later recommended to the emperor and ultimately Emperor Yao chose Shun as his successor. People like Emperor Shun are called sages.

In Chinese, a person who has truly recognised the oneness, the truth of life and the universe is called a ‘sage’. They have returned to their self-nature and have recovered their innate virtue. The Emperors Yao and Shun are sage Kings.

It is said in the teachings of Mencius that ‘The Way of the great Emperors Yao and Shun was simply the practice of filial piety and love among siblings.’ Our love and respect for our parents and siblings is elevated to love for all, then the world will naturally be at peace.

There is an old Chinese saying, ‘Turn enemies into friends’. But how do we achieve this? By moving others with our sincerity. The Doctrine of the Mean says, ‘Only utmost sincerity can reform others.’ Utmost sincerity can nurture and touch all beings. It can touch heaven and earth and of course human beings. What happens when we do not follow the teachings of the sages, and instead resort to competition or conflict to deal with problems? Well, we find ourselves in the situation of ‘an eye for an eye’, an endless cycle of retaliation. As a result, the conflict inevitably escalates, both parties are hurt and the problems remain unresolved.  

The magical effect of traditional Chinese culture is to bring about harmony among human beings. As the Venerable Master Chin Kung once said, ‘there is no one in the world that I hate, there is no one in the world that I cannot forgive, there is no one in the world that I do not love’. In ancient times, the Chinese had harmonious relationships with other countries and also inspired people from far and wide to learn from her. What was the approach of the ancient Chinese? They did not use powerful military force to compel other countries to respect them. Instead, they first ensured that their own country was in order, that the people were in harmony and that everyone observed propriety. When other people visited China, they admired what they saw and wanted to learn from the ancient Chinese. Therefore, all the golden ages in Chinese history were not only economically prosperous, but also culturally prosperous. It was traditional Chinese culture that enabled good governance of China in history. This is why China has been known as ‘the land of propriety’ in the past and the Chinese emperors were respectfully called ‘Khan of Heaven’, which means ‘a universally recognised leader’ as they can set a good role model for others.  

Love for one another, to the greatest extent, is global harmony. So, what does a harmonious world look like? It is said in the Book of Rites, ‘The world belongs to its people. In a harmonious world, the virtuous and the capable are chosen to be leaders; trust and good neighbourliness is promoted. All people love and respect their parents and children as well as the parents and children of others. As a result, the elderly are cared for, adults realise their full potential, and the children are raised with care. Widows, widowers, orphans and the childless, people with disabilities, and those with illness, are all well taken care of.’ Is such a world not ‘the Chinese dream’ that people in China today are pursuing?

It is with this harmonious world in mind, that the Chinese hope to revive the nation and also build ‘the Belt and Road’. China not only wishes to develop its own economy, but also help countries along the ‘the Belt and Road’ to develop their economies. China not only hopes to develop economies, but more importantly bring the peace-loving traditional Chinese culture to the world through the Belt and Road Initiative, and offer inspiration for resolving the myriad problems that confronts world today. This is why at the International Conference in Commemoration of the 2565th Anniversary of Confucius’s birthday held in 2014, President Xi of China said, ‘There are people with vision in the world who think that the rich traditional Chinese culture, including the notions of Confucianism, can inspire us to resolve the serious problems that humankind today is facing.’ President Xi’s words are not without basis.

The moral teachings of the ancient sages are universally applicable, just like bright lights that guide us in the long dark night or boats of unconditional love and compassion that carry us across the sea of suffering in life. Such teachings can even have an impact on animals, even animals have a sense of gratitude.

Sou Shen Hou Ji records a historical account. During the Jin dynasty, Mr Yang in Guangling had a dog, which he loved dearly. He took his dog wherever he went. One day, he was walking passing a field but was very drunk and fell asleep in the field. It was a severe and windy winter and someone set the field on fire. His dog barked and barked, running around him in the hope of waking him up, but he was too drunk to hear. There happened to be a small pond nearby. So the dog went into the pond, wet himself in the water, ran back to his master and shook the water off of its body onto the patch of grass around its master’s body. The dog repeated this many times and eventually managed to wet all the grass around his master such that the flames could not reach him. The dog saved Mr Yang’s life and he only realised this when he woke up. This story shows us that even dogs have a sense of gratitude.

These achievements are attained through good teachers. The essence of traditional Chinese culture is respecting teachers. If traditional Chinese culture was like a tree, filial piety would be its roots, and respecting for teachers would be the trunk. Respecting teachers is the key to practising traditional Chinese culture and it is the key to recovering one’s true nature.

There is a story about Great Master Lian Chi of Pure Land Buddhism. As a young novice monk, he revered the famous Zen Master Bian Rong and travelled a long distance to learn from him. The journey was a pilgrimage as he prostrated every three steps along the way. When he finally reached Master Bian Rong, he prostrated respectfully and asked how he could emulate the Buddha and discover his self-nature? Master Bian Rong replied: “Young novice, do not be tempted by fame and offerings. You must let go of them.” Other visitors who witnessed this meeting laughed at this seemingly cliché advice. However, to Great Master Lian Chi who was sincere and respectful, “do not be tempted by fame and offerings” was like hitting the nail on the head. He was able to benefit from these words throughout his life. His subsequent great accomplishments stemmed from his following the Zen Master’s advice. He always remembered Master Bian Rong’s words and he was never led astray.

Although many students receive the same instruction from the same teacher, the degree of their understanding and the speed of their progress will vary according to the extent to which the individual student accepts the instruction. What causes this difference? The difference lies in the extent of respectfulness within the student. Great Master Yin Guang of Pure Land Buddhism, advised us that with one per cent of sincerity and respectfulness, we gain one per cent of benefit; with one hundred per cent of sincerity and respectfulness, we gain one hundred per cent of benefit. Without such respectfulness, we gain no benefit from studying.

When we accept and study the teachings of the sages, we need an attitude of utmost sincerity and respectfulness. Traditional culture edifies the mind. Without sincerity, one cannot learn the truth. Without respectfulness, we cannot even begin to understand traditional Chinese culture.

In summary, filial piety is the fundamental basis of traditional Chinese culture, because it can inspire one’s boundless love, the love for all, help one understand the truth of one entity, recover one’s true nature and restore one’s innate virtue. Through utmost sincerity, it can naturally turn enemies into friends, achieve the state of ‘the benevolent having no enemies’ and attain harmony throughout the world. The fulfilment of all these requires learning the wisdom of the sages. Thus respectfulness is the essence of traditional Chinese culture. The education of filial piety and attaining enlightenment requires the guidance of wise teachers. Only when learners have sincere respect can they fully accept and practice their teachers’ guidance, and thus impart the teachings and wisdom of the ancient sages for generations to come. 


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